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Hi there 👋

Welcome to KURU. How can we help you?

Woman exercising and stretching her legs on stair steps, wearing comfortable shoes by KURU Footwear.


Experience the world’s first dynamic heel-hugging technology—built for pain relief, designed for life.

Collage of three photos featuring detailed shots of KURU models, including one of Bret Rasmussen, Founder and CEO at KURU. Collage of three photos featuring detailed shots of KURU models, including one of Bret Rasmussen, Founder and CEO at KURU.

Our Story

Welcome! I’m Bret Rasmussen, Founder and CEO at KURU.

I first dreamed of starting a shoe company in 5th grade. This early spark led me to start KURU, and I couldn't be more grateful for the many people this dream has impacted.

KURU exists to help you live a life you love. Thanks to our team of passionate people and a powerful underlying mission, we’ve grown from launching our heel-hugging KURUSOLE tech in 2008 to an expanding lineup of feel-it-to-believe-it footwear.

I promise, KURU shoes are unlike anything else. I hope you’ll give us a chance and Heel the Difference™.

- Bret

Heel the Difference™ of KURU



Lightweight EVA foam delivers shock-absorbing cushion.



Patented tech dynamically flexes to hug and protect your heels.

KURUSOLE patented tech icon


Dual-density foam provides superior arch support.

Demonstration of KURU technology and the composition of each shoe part.

Lightweight EVA foam delivers shock-absorbing cushion.


Patented tech dynamically flexes to hug and protect your heels.


Dual-density foam provides superior arch support.

Person pushing a baby in a stroller down the street, displaying comfortable shoes by KURU Footwear


At KURU, we’re on a mission to eliminate foot pain by creating footwear to help you Heel Better™. Our customers are at the heart of everything we do, and we’re grateful for your support! That’s why you’ll earn KURU Cash points in one of four ways:

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Simply create a quick, free account at kurufootwear.com/account/register. No hidden fees, no credit card sign up—simply earn rewards.

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Want to earn a quick 500 points? Write a review for any KURU product you’ve purchased for an instant rewards boost.

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Make a purchase

Get 5% back with every purchase—an average of 750 points for a pair of shoes!*

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Refer a friend

Referring a friend is our fastest way to earn points—a whopping 1,500 points (equal to $15) for you and them. Here’s to sharing the love!

Join KURU Cash Rewards

KURU Cares

We hand-select causes that focus on these Four Pillars of Sustainability and Social Responsibility. By meeting these pillars, you can trust that our chosen charities make a lasting difference in our local and global communities.

Education Icon


Investing in our children for a brighter future.

Environmental Impact Icon

Environmental Impact

Reduce humanity's impact to keep the earth beautiful for all.

Economic Development Icon

Economic Development

Helping lift people out of poverty.

Health And Well Being Icon

Health and Wellness

Disease research to help people live happier, longer lives.

Two people sitting on stair steps, showcasing two different styles of shoes by KURU Footwear. Two people sitting on stair steps, showcasing two different styles of shoes by KURU Footwear.

Making an Impact

Sustainability is about improving the world around us—creating opportunities and leaving a legacy for our children. All of us have the power to effect social and environmental change. Through KURU Cares, you can take a small step to help improve our world.

Help us make a difference. Simply register your purchase and select your charity of choice. Now that’s empowering!

Our Customers Say It Best

55,203 Ratings
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These are some of the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. I just returned from three weeks in Italy and Greece, walking 5 - 10 miles per day over uneven, cobblestone streets. My feet should have been miserable at the end of the day, but they were not.


Amazing Miracle Shoe! This shoe is amazing! I came across Kuru while searching on the internet to try and relieve my pain issues. Kuru shoes have far surpassed my expectations. Not only has my foot pain improved drastically I have also noticed that my knee pain is also getting better! The shoe is so comfortable and made very well.


I just felt compelled to share my awesome experience with my Kurus. Because they have allowed me to continue the awesome experience of being able to walk the fairways with my daughter, my Kurus are priceless.

Woman exercising outdoors, climbing stairs and wearing shoes by KURU Footwear.

Heel Better™ With KURU

At KURU, we believe healthy bodies start with healthy heels. We exist to help you Heel Better™ so you can live the life you love. Here’s to health from the ground up!