KURU Influencer Program
Want to collaborate with KURU Footwear?
We’re always looking for influencers to collaborate with.
To get in touch with our team, please fill out the form below. We will reach out to you if you meet our content and editorial needs and might make a good fit.
Thank you for your patience as we review your application! Please do not contact us via social media to collaborate or submit multiple entries.
Who are we looking for?
We’re passionate about eliminating foot pain, and we want to work with influencers who feel the same way.
We’re looking for parents, travelers, outdoor enthusiasts, Disney fans, nurses and other healthcare professionals, chefs, teachers, and more.
What's Next?
Thank you for your interest in partnering with us! While we're not currently accepting new influencer applications, we encourage you to stay connected with us on social media for updates on future opportunities. We look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you down the road!