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Diabetes: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention Guide 2024

Discover effective treatment and prevention strategies for diabetic foot pain relief.

Updated on May 03, 2024


  • Learn About Diabetes

  • Choosing Shoes for Diabetes

  • The KURU Difference

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by elevated levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It arises when the body either doesn't produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that plays a pivotal role in regulating blood sugar levels, ensuring that cells receive the energy they need to function.

There are primarily two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, often diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. As a result, individuals with type 1 diabetes require external insulin administration to manage their blood sugar levels. On the other hand, type 2 diabetes, more common in adults but increasingly seen in younger individuals, arises when the body becomes resistant to insulin or the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin. This form of diabetes is often linked to genetics, obesity, physical inactivity, and certain dietary habits.

If left untreated, elevated blood sugar levels can lead to a host of complications, affecting vital organs like the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. Early detection, lifestyle modifications, and appropriate medical interventions can help manage diabetes and prevent or delay these complications. Regular monitoring and understanding the nature of the disease are crucial for those diagnosed with or at risk for diabetes.

  • Man wearing KURU QUANTUM fitness sneakers for diabetic foot pain.

Most Common Causes & Risk Factors for Developing Diabetes

Diabetes is a multifaceted condition influenced by a range of factors. While some causes are deeply rooted in genetics, others arise from lifestyle decisions and environmental circumstances. Gaining a deeper understanding of these can pave the way for early detection and proactive prevention.

  • Genetics
    One of the significant contributors to the risk of developing diabetes is genetics. Individuals with a family history of diabetes are often at a heightened risk, suggesting a hereditary component to the disease.
  • Obesity
    Carrying excess weight, especially around the abdominal area, is a leading risk factor. Obesity can lead to increased insulin resistance, making it harder for the body to regulate blood sugar levels effectively.
  • Physical Inactivity
    Leading a sedentary lifestyle is another major contributor. Lack of regular physical activity can result in insulin resistance, where the body doesn't use insulin as effectively as it should.
    Physical Inactivity
  • Unhealthy Diet
    Consuming a diet rich in processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats can directly impact blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
    Unhealthy Diet
  • Age
    As individuals age, the risk of developing diabetes tends to increase, especially after the age of 45. This is often due to decreased muscle mass and increased body fat, affecting insulin resistance.
  • High Blood Pressure
    Chronic high blood pressure, or hypertension, is closely linked with diabetes. Consistently elevated blood pressure levels can strain the body's ability to regulate blood sugar.
    High Blood Pressure
  • Gestational Diabetes
    Women who experience diabetes during pregnancy, known as gestational diabetes, face a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
    Gestational Diabetes
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
    PCOS is a condition that affects women's hormonal levels, and those diagnosed with it have an increased risk of developing diabetes.
    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Ethnicity
    Certain ethnic groups, including African American, Hispanic, and Asian populations, have been observed to be more susceptible to diabetes than others.
  • Other Medical Conditions
    Some conditions, such as high cholesterol, can indirectly increase the risk of diabetes by affecting the body's metabolic processes.
    Other Medical Conditions

Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes, often termed the "silent killer," can sometimes present with subtle symptoms that are easy to overlook. Recognizing these diabetes symptoms early can lead to timely diagnosis and better management of the condition.

  • Increased Thirst and Urination
    This symptom is often one of the first signs of diabetes that people notice. When there's excess sugar in the bloodstream, the kidneys work overtime to filter and absorb it. But if they can't keep up, the excess sugar is excreted into urine, dragging along fluids from tissues and leading to frequent urination. This can result in dehydration, causing increased thirst as the body tries to replenish lost fluids.
    Increased Thirst and Urination
  • Unexplained Weight Loss
    The body resorts to burning muscle and fat for energy when the cells don't receive the glucose they need for energy due to a lack of insulin. This can lead to rapid weight loss, even if one's eating habits haven't changed.
    Unexplained Weight Loss
  • Hunger
    Despite eating regular meals, individuals with diabetes might feel constantly hungry. This hunger arises because the body isn't effectively using the glucose from the food consumed, leading it to crave more fuel to operate.
  • Fatigue
    Glucose is a primary source of energy for the body's cells. When cells can't access glucose, they lack energy, leading to feelings of fatigue and tiredness. Additionally, the body's constant need to urinate—another symptom of diabetes — can also disrupt sleep, adding to feelings of fatigue.
  • Blurred Vision
    Elevated blood sugar levels can pull fluid from the lenses of the eyes, affecting one's ability to focus. If left untreated, diabetes can cause new blood vessels to form in the retinas, threatening vision.
    Blurred Vision
  • Slow Healing
    High blood sugar levels can affect blood circulation and impair the body's natural healing processes. This means that wounds, especially on the feet, don't heal as quickly as they should. Over time, this can lead to more serious complications like infections.
    Slow Healing
  • Tingling or Numbness
    High blood sugar levels over prolonged periods can cause diabetic neuropathy, a type of nerve damage. This often manifests as tingling, numbness, pain, or a burning feeling in the hands and feet. It's essential to monitor these sensations, as untreated neuropathy can lead to more severe complications.
    Tingling or Numbness
  • Darkened Skin Areas
    A condition known as acanthosis nigricans is characterized by areas of darkened, velvety skin. These patches often form in body folds and creases, most commonly in the armpits, neck, and groin. It's a sign of insulin resistance, a hallmark of type 2 diabetes.
    Darkened Skin Areas

Diagnosis of Diabetes

The diagnosis of diabetes is primarily based on blood tests that measure glucose levels in the body. These tests help determine how the body processes sugar, and each has its unique procedure and diagnostic criteria. Here are the primary methods used to diagnose diabetes:

  • Fasting Blood Sugar Test
    After an overnight fast, a blood sample is taken to measure sugar levels. A reading of 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or higher on two separate tests indicates diabetes.
    Fasting Blood Sugar Test
  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
    After fasting, a person consumes a sugary solution, and blood sugar levels are tested periodically for the next two hours. A reading above 200 mg/dL suggests diabetes.
    Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
  • Hemoglobin A1c Test
    This test measures the average blood sugar level over the past two to three months. An A1c level of 6.5% or higher on two separate tests signifies diabetes.
    Hemoglobin A1c Test
  • Random Blood Sugar Test
    A blood sample is taken at a random time, regardless of when the individual last ate. A reading above 200 mg/dL indicates diabetes.
    Random Blood Sugar Test
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Managing diabetes requires a comprehensive approach that not only focuses on regulating blood sugar levels but also addresses the various complications that can arise from the condition. Effective treatment aims to maintain blood sugar within a target range, thereby reducing the risk of long-term complications.

  • Medications
    Depending on the type of diabetes, different medications might be prescribed. People with type 1 diabetes require insulin therapy, which can be administered through injections or insulin pumps. Those with type 2 diabetes might be prescribed oral diabetic medications, non-insulin injectables, or even insulin, depending on the severity of their condition.
  • Dietary and Lifestyle Changes
    A balanced diet of whole grains, fiber-rich foods, fish, and healthy fats can help regulate blood sugar levels. Regular physical activity also plays a crucial role in managing diabetes. Monitoring carbohydrate intake, often through carbohydrate counting or the use of a glycemic index, can be beneficial.
    Dietary and Lifestyle Changes
  • Regular Monitoring
    Frequent blood sugar testing is essential to ensure that levels remain within the target range. Continuous glucose monitoring systems can provide real-time data and trends.
    Regular Monitoring
  • Therapies
    Physical therapy can help improve muscle strength and reduce pain. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy, where electrical currents are passed through the skin, can also be beneficial for some individuals.
  • Foot Care
    Regular foot examinations, proper footwear, and immediate treatment of cuts, blisters, or infections are crucial. Diabetic foot care practices, such as moisturizing the feet, avoiding tight-fitting shoes, and checking daily for any abnormalities, can prevent complications.
    Foot Care
  • Alternative Remedies
    Acupuncture and biofeedback therapy have shown promise in treating diabetic foot pain for some individuals.
    Alternative Remedies

Exercises and Stretches for Diabetes

Exercise plays a pivotal role in managing diabetes, as it helps regulate blood sugar levels, improve circulation, and alleviate symptoms associated with complications like diabetes foot pain. Incorporating a mix of aerobic exercises, strength training, and specific stretches can offer holistic benefits.

  • Aerobic Activities
    Aerobic exercises play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing cardiovascular health. By promoting the efficient functioning of the heart and lungs, these activities ensure that the body receives the oxygen-rich blood it requires for optimal performance. Among the various aerobic exercises, walking stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. A daily walk, aiming for at least 30 minutes, can offer significant cardiovascular benefits without needing any special equipment or facilities. Cycling, another excellent aerobic activity, can be adapted to individual preferences. Whether one chooses stationary cycling indoors or ventures outdoors on a bicycle, it provides a low-impact method to elevate the heart rate and boost cardiovascular endurance. Swimming is yet another exceptional aerobic exercise. It offers a comprehensive full-body workout, engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Moreover, the buoyancy of water ensures that the joints are cushioned, making swimming a gentle yet potent exercise option.
    Aerobic Activities
  • Strength Training
    Strength training goes beyond merely building muscles—it has a direct impact on metabolic health. By increasing muscle mass, the body's insulin sensitivity is enhanced, which is vital for effective blood sugar regulation in individuals with diabetes. Resistance bands are versatile tools in the realm of strength training. They come in various resistance levels and can be used to target different muscle groups, offering a dynamic workout adaptable to one's strength. Traditional weight lifting is another beneficial strength training method. Beginners are advised to start with lighter weights, ensuring they maintain proper form to prevent injuries. As one's strength improves, the intensity can be gradually increased. Additionally, bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges offer the advantage of muscle building without the need for any additional equipment. These exercises harness an individual's body weight to provide resistance, making them accessible and effective.
    Strength Training
  • Flexibility and Balance
    Maintaining flexibility and balance is essential for overall body functionality and injury prevention, especially as one ages or deals with conditions like diabetes, which can affect nerve health. Yoga is a holistic practice that addresses both these aspects. It combines stretching exercises with strength and balance poses, ensuring a well-rounded workout. Specific yoga poses, such as the downward dog, have the added benefit of promoting blood circulation, especially beneficial for areas like the feet, which can be affected by diabetes. Tai chi, an ancient Chinese martial art, is another practice that emphasizes balance and muscle control. Its slow, deliberate movements not only enhance physical balance but also promote mental tranquility and mindfulness. Both yoga and Tai chi can be adapted to various fitness levels, making them suitable for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike.
    Flexibility and Balance
  • Toe Taps
    This simple exercise can be done virtually anywhere. While seated, tap your toes repeatedly on the ground. This repetitive motion not only stimulates blood flow to the feet but also helps in reducing stiffness that can accumulate after prolonged periods of inactivity. Regularly incorporating toe taps into your routine can also aid in maintaining foot muscle tone and enhancing overall foot health.
    Toe Taps
  • Ankle Circles
    The Achilles tendon, located at the back of the heel, can become tight and prone to injuries. To stretch it, stand with one foot behind the other and bend both knees, ensuring both heels remain grounded. This position targets the back of the heel, alleviating tightness and preventing potential strain. Regularly practicing the Achilles stretch can also aid in improving overall ankle flexibility and reducing the risk of tendon injuries.
    Ankle Circles
  • Achilles Stretch
    Acupuncture and biofeedback therapy have shown promise in treating diabetic foot pain for some individuals.
    Achilles Stretch
  • Towel Stretch
    Foot arch pain can be a common complaint, especially among those with flat feet or high arches. To address this, while seated, wrap a towel around the soles of your feet. Gently pull the towel towards you, feeling a stretch in the arches. This exercise not only provides relief from arch pain but also strengthens the intrinsic muscles of the feet, supporting better foot posture and function.
    Towel Stretch
  • Marble Pickup
    This exercise might seem unusual, but it's highly effective in strengthening the foot muscles. Scatter some marbles or small objects on the floor. Using only your toes, try to pick them up and place them in a container. This activity challenges the muscles in the toes and feet, enhancing dexterity and strength. Over time, it can also improve balance and coordination.
    Marble Pickup
  • Heel Raises
    Heel raises are a staple exercise for foot and calf strengthening. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Slowly raise your heels off the ground, coming onto your toes, and then lower them back down. Repeating this motion not only strengthens the calf muscles but also enhances foot flexibility and stability. Incorporating heel raises into your routine can also aid in preventing conditions like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis.
    Heel Raises

Surgical or Other Procedures

Diabetes is a chronic condition primarily managed through lifestyle changes, medications, and monitoring. However, in certain cases, especially when conventional treatments don't yield the desired results or complications arise, surgical or other procedures might be recommended. These interventions can either directly address the underlying causes of diabetes or manage its complications. Here are some of the notable procedures:

  • Bariatric Surgery
    Also known as weight-loss surgery, bariatric surgery can be an option for individuals with type 2 diabetes who are obese and haven't achieved desired blood sugar control with other treatments. This surgery can lead to significant weight loss, which in turn can improve blood sugar levels and reduce or even eliminate the need for diabetes medications.
    Bariatric Surgery
  • Pancreas Transplant
    In severe cases, especially for those with type 1 diabetes, a pancreas transplant might be considered. A successful pancreas transplant can eliminate the need for insulin injections. However, the procedure comes with risks, including organ rejection, and recipients often need to be on lifelong immunosuppressive medications.
    Pancreas Transplant
  • Islet Cell Transplantation
    This procedure involves transplanting healthy islet cells (cells that produce insulin) into a person with type 1 diabetes. It's less invasive than a pancreas transplant and can help achieve better blood sugar control. However, similar to pancreas transplants, there's a risk of the body rejecting the new cells.
    Islet Cell Transplantation
  • Laser Photocoagulation
    This procedure is specifically for diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes affecting the eyes. It involves using laser beams to seal or destroy growing blood vessels in the retina, preventing bleeding and vision loss.
    Laser Photocoagulation
  • Vitreous Hemorrhage Surgery
    Another procedure for advanced diabetic retinopathy, this surgery removes blood from the center of the eye (vitreous) and replaces it with a clear solution, helping restore vision.
    Vitreous Hemorrhage Surgery


Diabetes, particularly type 2, is a condition that has seen a significant rise globally. While genetic factors play a role, lifestyle choices and environmental factors are major contributors to its onset. Fortunately, through proactive measures and informed decisions, the risk of developing diabetes can be substantially reduced. Here are some key strategies for diabetes prevention:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
    Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most effective ways to prevent type 2 diabetes. Excess fat, especially abdominal fat, can increase insulin resistance. By managing one's weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, the body's insulin sensitivity can be improved, reducing the risk of diabetes.
    Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Regular Physical Activity
    Engaging in regular physical activity helps control weight, uses glucose stores as energy, and makes cells more sensitive to insulin. Activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or even gardening for at least 150 minutes a week can offer significant protective benefits against diabetes.
    Regular Physical Activity
  • Balanced Diet
    Consuming a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can regulate blood sugar levels. Reducing the intake of processed foods, sugary beverages, and excessive unhealthy fats can decrease the risk of diabetes. Portion control and mindful eating are also essential components of a diabetes-preventive diet.
    Balanced Diet
  • Limit Sugar and Refined Carbs
    High intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates can put individuals at risk. By minimizing these in the diet and opting for whole, unprocessed foods, one can maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce the potential onset of diabetes.
    Limit Sugar and Refined Carbs
  • Regular Health Screenings
    Regular check-ups and blood tests can detect prediabetes, a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet in the diabetic range. Early detection and intervention can reverse prediabetes and prevent its progression to type 2 diabetes.
    Regular Health Screenings
  • Limit Alcohol and Avoid Smoking
    While moderate alcohol consumption might offer some health benefits, excessive intake can lead to weight gain and increased diabetes risk. Smoking, on the other hand, has been linked to insulin resistance and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can play a crucial role in diabetes prevention.
    Limit Alcohol and Avoid Smoking
  • Manage Stress
    Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that might affect blood sugar levels. Practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help manage stress and maintain hormonal equilibrium.
    Manage Stress


  • What is diabetes?

    Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels due to insufficient insulin production or ineffective insulin use. Type 1 diabetes results from the immune system attacking insulin-producing cells, requiring external insulin administration, while type 2 diabetes is often associated with insulin resistance, genetic factors, obesity, and lifestyle choices.

    Without proper management, diabetes can lead to complications affecting vital organs, emphasizing the importance of early detection, lifestyle changes, and medical interventions to prevent or delay these issues.

  • What causes diabetes?

    Diabetes is influenced by a complex interplay of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Genetics, particularly a family history of diabetes, contributes to an increased risk, while lifestyle choices such as excess weight, sedentary behavior, and an unhealthy diet also play crucial roles. Other risk factors include age, hypertension, gestational diabetes, PCOS in women, specific ethnic backgrounds, and conditions like high cholesterol. This highlights the importance of understanding and addressing these various components for effective diabetes prevention.

  • How do you get diabetes?

    You get diabetes when your level of blood sugar, or glucose, becomes elevated due to insufficient insulin production by the pancreas or ineffective utilization of insulin by the body. Glucose is the body's primary energy source and requires insulin to enter cells. In diabetes, inadequate insulin leads to the accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream, resulting in high blood sugar levels that require management through medications and lifestyle modifications.

  • Can diabetic foot charcot be reversed?

    While early stages of Charcot foot may show symptom improvement or even reversal, it's important not to assume guaranteed reversal. Early diagnosis is essential for effective treatment, as the likelihood of reversal diminishes over time with progressive conditions like Charcot foot.

    While complete reversal may not be entirely possible, proactive monitoring, reporting changes promptly to healthcare providers, and adhering to recommended treatments and preventive measures can substantially enhance the quality of life for individuals with diabetic foot Charcot.

  • What causes diabetic foot ulcers?

    The top causes of a non-healing diabetic foot ulcer include elevated blood sugar levels, poor circulation, nerve damage, immune system issues, and infections. Diabetes management is crucial in preventing complications, along with giving yourself a diabetic foot exam to note any changes and to detect an early stage diabetes foot ulcer.

In our study on foot pain across America, we found that out of the 2,500 participants who took part in our survey and experienced foot pain, approximately 14% revealed that they also had diabetes.

Explore the latest foot pain trends, common causes of pain, treatment and prevention plans for maintained foot health in our 2024 Foot Pain Trends Report!

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Features to Look for in Shoes for Diabetes

Foot care is paramount for individuals with diabetes, given the increased risk of diabetic foot ulcers and other complications due to reduced blood flow and potential nerve damage. One of the essential aspects of diabetes foot care is selecting the right footwear. Shoes designed specifically for people with diabetes have unique features that offer protection, comfort, and support for relief from diabetic foot symptoms. Here are some key features to look for:

  • Non-Binding Upper
    Shoes for diabetics should have a soft, non-binding upper that reduces the risk of pressure points. This design ensures there's no undue pressure on any part of the foot, minimizing the chances of blisters or ulcers.
    Non-Binding Upper
  • Wide Toe Box
    A spacious toe box allows the toes to spread naturally without being squeezed. This feature is crucial for preventing toe deformities and reducing the risk of corns, calluses, and ulcers.
    Wide Toe Box
  • Seamless Interior
    The interior of diabetic shoes should be smooth and free of rough seams. Seams can cause friction or pressure on the skin, leading to sores. A seamless design ensures that the foot remains protected from potential irritants.
    Seamless Interior
  • Depth
    Diabetic shoes are often deeper than regular shoes. This added depth accommodates special insoles or orthotics, which provide additional cushioning and support.
  • Breathable Material
    Shoes made of breathable materials like leather or certain fabrics can prevent moisture accumulation. Keeping the feet dry is essential to reduce the risk of fungal infections and other complications.
    Breathable Material
  • Cushioned Sole
    A well-cushioned sole absorbs shock and reduces the impact on the feet while walking. This feature is especially beneficial for those with reduced sensation in their feet, as it offers added protection.
    Cushioned Sole
  • Adjustable Closure
    Shoes with adjustable closures, such as laces, Velcro, or buckles, allow for a customized fit. This adjustability ensures that the shoe fits snugly without being too tight, accommodating any swelling or changes in foot size throughout the day.
    Adjustable Closure
  • Rigid Heel
    A firm heel counter provides added support and stability. It ensures that the foot is held securely in place, reducing the risk of injuries due to slips or missteps.
    Rigid Heel

Caring for Your Shoes for Diabetes

For individuals with diabetes, footwear plays a pivotal role in maintaining foot health and preventing potential complications. However, simply owning the right pair of shoes isn't enough—ensuring they are well-maintained and cared for can extend their lifespan and efficacy. Proper shoe care can also prevent the development of harmful irritants that might pose risks to diabetic feet. Here are some essential tips for caring for diabetic shoes:

  • Regular Inspection
    Before putting on your shoes, inspect the inside thoroughly. Look for any foreign objects, torn linings, or protruding seams that could irritate the skin. Regular inspection can prevent potential injuries, especially for those with reduced foot sensation.
    Regular Inspection
  • Rotation Is Key
    If possible, have more than one pair of diabetic shoes and rotate between them. This allows each pair ample time to air out, reducing moisture buildup and extending the shoes' lifespan.
    Rotation Is Key
  • Cleanliness Matters
    Clean your shoes regularly, following the manufacturer's instructions. For leather shoes, use a damp cloth to wipe away dirt and apply a leather conditioner to keep them supple. For fabric shoes, check if they are machine-washable or require hand washing.
    Cleanliness Matters
  • Dry Feet, Dry Shoes
    Moisture can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Always ensure your feet are dry before wearing shoes. If shoes become wet, remove the insoles and let them air dry. Avoid direct heat sources like heaters or hairdryers, as they can damage the shoe material.
    Dry Feet, Dry Shoes
  • Store Properly
    Store your shoes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Using a shoe tree can help retain the shoe's shape, and keeping them in a shoe bag or box can protect them from dust and dirt.
    Store Properly

The Importance of the Right Fit

For individuals with diabetes, selecting the right footwear is more than just a matter of style or fashion—it's a crucial aspect of overall health management. Given the potential for reduced sensation and increased risk of foot complications, making informed choices about footwear can prevent injuries and ensure optimal foot health. Here are some essential considerations when choosing shoes for diabetes:

  • Professional Fitting
    It's advisable to get your feet professionally measured and fitted for shoes. Feet can change over time, and a professional can ensure that you select a size that offers the best fit. They can also identify any unique foot characteristics that need special attention.
    Professional Fitting
  • Shop in the Evening
    Feet tend to swell as the day progresses. Therefore, it's best to shop for shoes in the afternoon or evening when feet are at their largest. This ensures a comfortable fit throughout the day.
    Shop in the Evening
  • Insole Examination
    Check the insoles of the shoes. Opt for shoes that come with removable insoles. This feature allows for easy replacement with custom orthotics or diabetic-specific insoles that offer additional cushioning and support.
    Insole Examination
  • Flexibility Test
    While the shoe should offer support, it should also have a certain degree of flexibility, especially at the ball of the foot. This flexibility ensures ease of movement and reduces pressure on the foot while walking.
    Flexibility Test
  • Material Consideration
    While the material should be breathable, it's also essential to consider its durability. Materials like genuine leather are both durable and allow for adequate air circulation, ensuring the feet remain dry.
    Material Consideration
  • Avoid Pointed Toes
    Shoes with a pointed toe design can squeeze the toes, increasing the risk of corns, calluses, and ulcers. Instead, opt for shoes with a rounded or square toe box that offers ample space.
    Avoid Pointed Toes

Heel the Difference™ of KURUSOLE

Every step you take starts with your heels—and it can get painful, fast. In fact, 81% of Americans experience foot pain, with heel pain at the top of the list.*

That’s why at KURU, we believe health starts with heel. Our patented KURUSOLE technology dynamically flexes with each step to hug and protect your heels. This heels-first focus paves the way for holistic foot pain relief and whole-body wellness, so you can live a life you love.

Every pair comes built with three layers of pain-fighting technology:

  • 1


    Welcome to the world’s first dynamic heel-hugging technology. Our patented KURUSOLE dynamically flexes with each step to hug and protect your heels to help alleviate foot pain conditions such as plantar fasciitis.

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  • 2


    It’s like walking on air. Every KURU starts with KURUCLOUD, a lightweight, shock-absorbing EVA foam that delivers shock-absorbing cushion with each step.

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  • 3


    These premium insoles go above and beyond traditional inserts, featuring dual-density polyurethane foam to bring cushion where you want it and support where you need it.

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    Welcome to the world’s first dynamic heel-hugging technology. Our patented KURUSOLE dynamically flexes with each step to hug and protect your heels to help alleviate foot pain conditions such as plantar fasciitis.

Our Secret

Animated GIF showing KURUSOLE tech in KURU shoes vs. typical flat interiors for plantar fasciitis pain.
Why Others Love KURU

Why Others Love KURU

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"Most comfortable shoes ever! I ordered a pair of QUANTUM 2.0 and found they are about 1/2 size smaller than my QUANTUM shoes, but no problem as they make them in 1/2 size bigger :) I found Kuru shoes several years ago and have not looked back. I have several pair. My husband has diabetic neuropathy and loves his KURU sandals. He wears them all year long. Best decision ever made to buy QUANTUM shoes!"

Jackie B.

"The Shoe I've Always Wanted. Type 1 diabetic with foot pain and neuropathy, knee and ankle problems from years of exercise, and born with bunions! These shoes fixed all my problem areas. Immediate relief and no rubbing or blistering. First shoe that really fit my feet, and they look stylish without the orthopedic “astronaut” look. I don’t want to take them off when I get home! I am a customer for life! This is the only shoe for me. Thank you Kuru!"


"Wow, Real Comfort For A Pair Of Diabetic Feet. Concerned about the initial investment outlay of these Kuru shoes? My advise: Don't be! I bought my first Kuru a couple years back, and wore it out (best investment ever in daily exercise walks, very comfortable) so I bought a second, and yup, same comfort was the determination, even years later so invested into my most recent third pair...Guess what? Im gonna buy a 4th pair without qualm real soon!"


"Number One Best Of Shoes I have Ever Worn! Since about 6 months ago, I was desperate to find a shoe that, at the end of the day, my feet weren’t killing me. I tried multiple high-end shoes, each promising “happy-feel-good” feet, but to no avail! I friend suggested Kuru’s, saying she now owns 4 pair, and she’ll never own any other shoe-brand again. So I started with woman’s Quantum size 8 wide. I’ve got arthritis in both feet, multiple hammer toes, diabetes. Once they arrived, onto my feet they went, and OMG!!! NO PAIN at end of my day!!!! Having suffered foot pain for so long, then suddenly NONE, my feet felt as if they’d gone to heaven (well, almost!). I now own 3 pairs of Kuru’s, and my husband has purchased a pair of men’s Quantum wide, and he swears these are the best shoes he’s ever worn, too! Thank you to the creators of these fantastic shoes!!!!"


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