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Best Shoes For Leg Pain

Customized fit for improved posture.

Updated on May 02, 2024

Leg pain can have a wide variety of causes, so the best shoes for leg pain will depend on what is causing your pain. Your legs support you when you stand and carry you when you walk, run, jump or dance—and that repetitive stress and trauma can cause injuries that lead to pain. Leg pain may also be caused by a medical condition or chronic illness.

Shoes that absorb shock, cushion impacts, and support your body’s natural movement can help prevent leg pain or treat it when it rears its head. Many common causes of leg pain are called overuse injuries, like Achilles tendonitis or IT band syndrome. These painful conditions occur when your body takes more punishment than it is used to. Slowly building up to new routines is one key to avoiding overuse injuries, and so is wearing proper footwear to reduce wear and tear as well as impact on your legs.

What is Leg Pain?

Leg pain is a generic term that refers to any pain you’re feeling in your legs. Because this description is so broad, there can be many different causes of leg pain. These different sources of leg pain fall broadly into a few categories.

Damage to muscles and tissues: Any trauma to your legs can cause pain. Many of the most common sources of leg pain are overuse injuries that occur from repeated wear and tear. Your risk for overuse injuries like Achilles tendonitis and IT band syndrome increase when you suddenly increase how hard or how often you work out. Dehydration and strain on your leg muscles can also lead to cramps and charley horses.

Vascular pain: Vascular issues refer to problems with circulation. When your extremities aren’t getting enough blood or are dealing with other circulation issues, the results can be painful and even potentially deadly (as in the case of deep vein thrombosis).

Neurological pain: Other types of leg pain stem from issues with your nervous system. Various types of neuropathy may impact your legs, and restless leg syndrome is another common cause of leg pain.

While leg pain can be debilitating, there are many exercises and stretches you can do to help alleviate the discomfort. One such stretch is the reclined leg stretch, which can be particularly helpful in relieving tension and pain in the legs. Check out the video below for a demonstration of this stretch.

  • Woman wearing KURU ATOM shoes for leg pain stretching before a run.
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Most Common Causes & Symptoms

Leg pain can have many different causes, and the specific symptoms you are experiencing may help you determine what’s causing your pain. A doctor is the best person to diagnose your pain and guide treatment, but many types of leg pain can be treated at home.

Let’s take a look at some of the common causes and their symptoms:

  • Achilles tendonitis
    This is a common overuse injury defined by pain in your Achilles tendon, which runs down the back of your calf to connect with your ankle. This painful condition is common among runners, dancers and other athletes and usually results from increased strain or impact on your legs that causes inflammation, irritation and tightness.
    Achilles tendonitis
  • IT band syndrome
    Pain on the outside of your knee may have you searching for the best shoes for IT band syndrome. This is another common overuse injury, which affects the ligament that connects your pelvic bone and shin: the iliotibial band. Strain can lead to tightness, which causes the ligament to rub against the thigh bone in painful ways.
    IT band syndrome
  • Dehydration or electrolyte imbalances
    Aching and cramping in the legs is a common complaint among anyone who is active or who stands for long periods of time. When you are dehydrated you lose important minerals like potassium and sodium that help your muscles work correctly, leading to cramps and pain. Dehydration is the most common cause, but other underlying issues or medical treatments may cause electrolyte imbalances.
    Dehydration or electrolyte imbalances
  • Shin splints
    Another common overuse injury is shin splints, which is also common among runners. This pain is felt most on the inner edge of the shinbone, and is often caused by working out too hard and/or wearing the wrong kind of shoes.
    Shin splints
  • Trauma
    Sprains, strains, stress fractures and pulled muscles can all cause pain. Most of these issues are caused by physical trauma, like rolling an ankle while running or landing poorly after a jump, but repeated stress can make you more susceptible to such injuries.
  • Arthritis
    Arthritis is a common disorder that primarily affects your joints, causing stiffness, inflammation and pain. There are dozens of different types of arthritis, and some versions can cause pain in the joints in your legs.


Treatments for leg pain depend largely on the type of issue you are dealing with. A doctor is the best person to diagnose your pain and discuss treatment plans, but many common types of leg pain respond well to treatments you can do at home.

  • RICE
    For many overuse injuries like Achilles tendonitis or simple sprains and strains, RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) is the go-to treatment you can do at home.
  • Wear supportive shoes
    Many overuse injuries and some strains and sprains can occur when you aren’t getting the support and cushion you need. And wearing shoes that are worn out or just lack support can alter your gait and make you more likely to hurt yourself. You can’t always give your feet and legs a break, but good shoes for leg pain relief can help fill the gap. Look for support and cushion, which can help reduce pain and help your body heal more quickly.
    Wear supportive shoes
  • Massage
    Cramps and charley horses are a common source of leg pain. This can occur when you are dehydrated or otherwise lacking electrolytes, so drinking water when you’re active can help. If you end up with cramps and tight muscles, massage may help loosen things up to relieve pain and get you moving again.
  • Stretching and exercise
    While rest is important when you’re hurting, a regular stretching and exercise routine can help prevent pain as well as get your legs back to healthy. When you are inactive, your muscles and ligaments are weaker and more prone to stretching and overuse that causes inflammation and pain. By strengthening these areas, you give your body a better foundation to stay healthy.
    Stretching and exercise


  • How do I get rid of leg pain?

    Treating leg pain will depend on the type of pain you are experiencing and the cause of your symptoms. For pain caused by injuries, like sprains or strains, you’ll likely want to consult a doctor about the best way forward. The same goes for neurological causes of pain like neuropathy. For more general aches and pains, usually from standing or walking for long periods, or overuse injuries there are simple steps you can take to treat or prevent leg pain.

    Stretch: You should always warm up and stretch before physical activity. Giving your muscles and other ligaments a warm up makes them less susceptible to wear and tear as well as injuries. In addition, adding regular stretches to your daily routine can strengthen your legs and feet to prevent pain and reduce your risk of injury.

    Wear supportive shoes: Shoes that lack proper support or that have worn out unevenly can alter your gait as your body attempts to compensate. This compensation puts extra stress on your body, causing aches and pains and sometimes injuries. Tight shoes can also cause leg pain. Supportive shoes also cushion you from impact and give you a stable foundation for movement.

    At-home treatments: Simple at home treatments can include taking over the counter medications, like Advil or Tylenol, as well as getting plenty of rest. Elevating your feet and using compression can both boost circulation to help your legs and feet recover more quickly, and icing painful areas for 15-20 minutes may also help.

  • What are the best shoes for leg pain?

    The best shoes for leg pain will depend on the type of pain you’re dealing with. The best walking shoes for IT band syndrome will be different from the best shoes for foot and leg pain.

    Depending on your pain and the cause, you may need targeted cushion and support for specific areas. But, generally speaking, the best walking shoes for leg pain will feature shock absorption, and a blend of cushion and support.

    Too much cushion may feel comfy in the moment, but you also need support over the long term to keep your body moving the way nature intended.

  • What shoes will help with back leg and feet pain when standing on concrete all day?

    If you stand on hard surfaces like concrete every day, you may be looking for the best shoes for painful feet and legs. Standing can actually put more strain on your body than walking does, as your body must hold itself in a specific position for long stretches of time.

    Giving yourself breaks to sit down, or even move around, can help, as can wearing supportive shoes. Look for shoes that cushion impact and offer support from heel to arch to ankle. A wider footprint can give you more stability, while generous toe boxes give your toes room to move and spread out throughout the day.

  • Are your shoes considered orthopedic shoes?

    Even though KURU shoes were not initially intended to be orthopedic shoes, thousands of our customers say they experience relief from various foot conditions.

    While our shoes are not currently considered orthopedic by a medical standard, we have received thousands of positive reviews from customers who say their KURUs helped reduce or eliminate their pain.

Three Layers of Support

At KURU, we pride ourselves on our unique approach to shoe design. We believe that shoes should be shaped to fit the natural contours of your feet, which is why we create every pair in three distinct support layers, not just an insole.

Our revolutionary ergonomic design starts with a curved footbed and adds unparalleled triple-layer support that includes shock-absorbing KURUCLOUD, heel-cupping KURUSOLE, and arch-supporting ULTIMATE INSOLES. The result? Shoes that are so comfortable you’ll stop thinking about your feet.

  • 1


    Your body comes with a pillow of fat beneath your heel to absorb impact, and our patented KURUSOLE works to maximize that natural cushion. Our technology cups and contains this fat pad to keep it in place and protect it from wear and tear, while extending to your arch for better support. More than just cushioning, KURUSOLE helps guide your body toward a more natural gait.

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  • 2


    Leg pain often occurs as a result of overuse injuries, when we put extra stress and impact on our bodies. Enter KURUCLOUD. The midsole is the first part of the shoe to contact the ground. Our blend of lightweight foam provides an ideal balance of cushion and shock absorption, to protect your body and make you feel like you’re walking on clouds.

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  • 3


    If you suffer from leg pain, you may have turned to aftermarket inserts over the years for extra cushion. But what if you could get premium support and complete cushioning right out of the box? Our ULTIMATE INSOLES come in every pair of KURUs, and we use advanced, dual-density foams to deliver support where you need it and cushion just where you want it. Even better, the foam adapts to the shape of your feet over time for a more custom fit.

    ...Show Less

    Your body comes with a pillow of fat beneath your heel to absorb impact, and our patented KURUSOLE works to maximize that natural cushion. Our technology cups and contains this fat pad to keep it in place and protect it from wear and tear, while extending to your arch for better support. More than just cushioning, KURUSOLE helps guide your body toward a more natural gait.

Our Secret

Animated GIF showing KURUSOLE tech in KURU shoes vs. typical flat interiors for plantar fasciitis pain.
Why Others Love KURU

Why Others Love KURU

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Love my Flex Via shoes. Besides plantar fasciitis I have a lot of spinal issues. The spinal issues cause me a lot of leg pain, but the way these shoes stabilize my feet eliminates a lot of that. I'm able to be on the go much longer now, and the plantar fasciitis pain is almost non-existent. I also like the styling of these shoes because, to me at least, they don't look as orthopedic as other shoes do.

Susan M.

Helps support feet and legs. I bought these for my mother. She has arthritis. Her job requires her to stand for long periods. These shoes have made it more bearable for her to stand all day! She loves them!"

Jonda Stought

A joy to wear. I bought these shoes because I stand all day in one spot. I have had them for only a couple weeks, and they are getting more cont as they wear in. I can definitely feel the support along my whole foot. My legs and hips feel the benefit from my foot being supported. I highly recommend this shoe."


Best ever. I have a pair of these shoes, I bought my daughter n law a pair for Christmas due to she is a massage therapist and is on her feet all day and she has foot and leg pain due to being on her feet all day. I told her to try them and if they did not work for her to send back, well she loves them!!!! She said these shoes were the most comfortable she’s ever had. I’m happy I knew it would help her foot pain and leg pain. Love the look too."

Becca Florida

Pain free. I bought these Kinetic shoes a couple weeks ago. I ordered men's as I figured they would be wider. After wearing them to work for a week I realized I should have gotten wide shoes. I can't return them cause I wore them, but how do you know? At home it's carpet, at work it's cement floors. It's ok though cause I have no knee, leg or back pain when I wear them. I just adjust the laces to allow for swelling. I love these shoes!!! Would recommend to anyone who will listen!"

Barb D.

Best shoes. It shipped fast and I was excited to wear it. Thought I needed a lot of break in hours for these shoes but surprisingly, I went with my whole shift with the quantum pair without any complaints/pain. My feet can breathe, lightweight, and no leg/calf/foot pain! I’ve owned a lot of pair in evey brand in constant search for the best shoes, and I’ve found it! I’ll buy again."

Bev U

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