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/ 7 min

How to Lace Shoes for a Wide Forefoot

By: KURU Footwear

Finding shoes that comfortably fit a wide forefoot is a challenge many people face daily. This struggle is not just about discomfort; it's about finding footwear that doesn't compromise on style or functionality. A proper fit is crucial, as ill-fitting shoes can lead to a range of issues, from the immediate discomfort and blisters to long-term problems such as foot pain, deformation, and numbness in the toes.

The significance of a well-fitting shoe cannot be overstated, as it supports not only the health of your feet but also your overall posture and mobility. Recognizing the commonality of this issue is the first step towards finding solutions that can provide relief and comfort to those with a wide forefoot.

Key Takeaways

  • Proper lacing techniques for a wide forefoot can significantly enhance comfort and improve circulation, helping to prevent common foot issues like blisters, calluses, and bunions.
  • A common mistake to avoid is over-tightening the laces, which can lead to discomfort and restricted circulation, highlighting the importance of tailoring lacing methods to each shoe type and activity.
  • Mastering shoe lacing techniques and selecting appropriate footwear are essential for individuals with a wide forefoot to achieve optimal comfort, support, and foot health.

Understanding Wide Forefoot Challenges

Individuals with a wide forefoot often find that standard shoe sizes do not accommodate the breadth of their feet, leading to a tight and uncomfortable fit. This narrow fit can significantly impact foot health and comfort, squeezing the toes together and restricting blood flow, which can cause numbness and increase the risk of developing conditions like bunions and hammertoes.

Moreover, the constant pressure and friction from the sides of the shoes can lead to calluses and blisters, exacerbating discomfort. The challenges of finding a proper fit are not limited to physical discomfort; they can also deter individuals from engaging in physical activities, affecting their overall health and well-being.

A Step-by-Step Lacing Guide

To alleviate some of the discomfort associated with a wide forefoot, a specific lacing technique can be employed to create more room within the shoe.

Step 1: Starting the lacing process involves unlacing your shoe almost entirely, leaving only the first two holes laced. This initial step sets the foundation for a more customized fit.

Steps 2-3: Adjusting the lace on one side for more room entails taking the lace on one side and threading it up through the next hole on the same side, rather than crossing it over. This technique should be repeated for the next hole up, effectively creating a straight lace on the inside of the shoe that allows for greater width across the forefoot.

Steps 4-5: Repeating the process on the other side and continuing with normal lacing mirrors the adjustments made on the first side, ensuring both sides of the shoe are equally adjusted for width. After these adjustments, the lacing can continue in a normal fashion, crossing the laces over the top of the shoe.

Step 6: Finalizing the lacing by tying the laces at the top as usual. This method of lacing allows for significant expansion in the forefoot area, providing much-needed relief and circulation for those with wider feet.

By following these steps, individuals with a wide forefoot can achieve a more comfortable and accommodating fit, potentially alleviating some of the common discomfort associated with narrow-fitting shoes.

Benefits of Proper Lacing for a Wide Forefoot

Adopting a proper lacing method for a wide forefoot significantly enhances comfort and circulation, crucial factors for overall foot health. This specialized lacing technique creates additional space in the shoe, allowing the forefoot to spread naturally without constriction. This not only boosts comfort by reducing pressure points but also improves blood flow, preventing numbness and tingling sensations often experienced with tighter fits.

Moreover, proper lacing acts as a preventative measure against common foot issues associated with a wide forefoot, such as blisters, calluses, and bunions. By accommodating the natural width of the forefoot, this lacing method helps in maintaining the structural integrity of the foot, ensuring a healthier and more comfortable walking or running experience.

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Our best got better. As we celebrate 10 years of fan-favorite QUANTUM, we bring you the next generation of heel pain relief: QUANTUM 2.0. This premium walking shoe brings you our most cushioned midsole yet, a wider base with a wide toe box, and upgraded KURUSOLE heel support for ultimate foot pain relief.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Lacing Shoes for a Wide Forefoot

Over-Tightening the Laces

One of the most frequent mistakes is over-tightening the laces, which not only causes immediate discomfort but can also lead to long-term circulation issues. Over-tightening can compress the foot unnaturally, restricting blood flow and leading to numbness or tingling sensations. To find the right balance, tighten the laces to a point where the shoe feels secure on your foot without causing any noticeable pressure on the top or sides of your feet.

Using a Uniform Lacing Technique

Shoes come in various designs and purposes, from athletic sneakers to formal dress shoes, each with unique fit and support needs. Applying the same lacing technique to all shoe types disregards these differences and can result in poor fit and discomfort. For instance, athletic shoes might benefit from a more secure lacing at the midfoot for stability, while casual shoes might require a looser fit for comfort. Tailoring your lacing approach to the shoe type and your foot's needs is crucial for optimal comfort and support.

Ignoring Shoe and Foot Compatibility

Another common oversight is not considering the inherent compatibility between the shoe design and the individual's foot shape. Not all shoes, even with adjusted lacing, will accommodate a wide forefoot comfortably. It's essential to select shoes with a naturally wider toe box or those specifically designed for wide feet as a foundation before applying any lacing techniques.

Neglecting to Adjust for Activity Level

The intensity and type of activity also dictate the ideal lacing technique. For high-impact activities, such as running or basketball, you may need a tighter fit for better support, while for walking or daily wear, a more relaxed fit could be preferable. Adjusting the tightness and pattern of lacing based on activity can prevent discomfort and injury.

Failing to Re-evaluate Fit Over Time

Feet swell and change shape throughout the day and with varying levels of activity. A lacing technique that works well in the morning may become uncomfortable by the end of the day. Regularly re-evaluating the fit of your shoes and making adjustments as needed can help maintain comfort and prevent issues related to poor fit.

Overlooking the Importance of Lacing Material

The type of laces used can also impact comfort and fit. Elastic laces or those with a slight give can accommodate changes in foot size due to swelling throughout the day, while rigid laces might restrict movement and cause discomfort. Choosing the right laces in combination with the correct lacing technique can significantly enhance shoe fit for individuals with a wide forefoot.

By being mindful of these common mistakes and adopting a more personalized approach to lacing your shoes, you can significantly improve comfort, support, and overall foot health. Remember, the goal is to achieve a balance between securing the foot and allowing enough room to accommodate the natural shape and movement of your feet.

Additional Lacing Techniques for Various Shoe Types

Exploring additional lacing techniques can further enhance shoe fit and comfort for various types of footwear. For athletic shoes, consider using a parallel lacing method to reduce pressure on the top of the foot, while boots may benefit from a loose lacing technique at the forefoot with tighter lacing around the ankles for support. Casual shoes can be laced using a criss-cross method that allows for adjustments in width along the entire shoe.

Adapting these lacing techniques to match the specific design and intended use of each shoe type ensures optimal comfort and support, catering to the unique needs of individuals with wide forefeet.

Lacing Up: The Path to Perfect Fit for a Wide Forefoot

Mastering the art of shoe lacing and selecting the right footwear are crucial steps towards achieving comfort and health for individuals with a wide forefoot. By understanding and applying different lacing techniques, and choosing shoes like KURU that are designed to accommodate wider feet, you can enjoy enhanced comfort, support, and overall foot health. We encourage you to explore these practices and experience the difference they can make in your daily comfort and well-being.


  • How do you lace shoes with swollen feet?

    To lace shoes for swollen feet, use the "straight bar lacing" or "parallel lacing" method. This technique reduces pressure points by evenly distributing lace tension.

    Start by threading the lace horizontally at the bottom eyelets. Then, take each end up the sides, threading them through the next available eyelet on the same side. Continue this pattern without crossing the laces.

    This method allows for more flexibility and adjustment in areas where swelling is most pronounced, providing comfort and better accommodation for the foot's increased volume.

  • How do you lace high instep sneakers?

    For high instep sneakers, the "window lacing" or "box lacing" technique can provide relief.

    Begin by lacing the shoe normally at the bottom. When you reach the instep area, instead of crossing the laces, run them straight up to the next eyelet on the same side, creating a "window" or "box" over the instep. After the high instep area, resume the standard criss-cross lacing.

    This method reduces pressure on the instep by creating a little extra space and easing tightness.

  • How do you lace shoes so your feet don't slide forward?

    To prevent your feet from sliding forward in your shoes, use the "heel lock" or "lace lock" technique.

    This method secures your heel in place, minimizing forward movement. After lacing your shoes in a standard pattern up to the second-to-last eyelets, thread the lace through the last eyelet on the same side, creating a loop. Cross the ends, pulling them through the opposite loop before tying your shoe.

    This technique tightens the grip around the ankle and heel, preventing sliding.

  • How do you lace shoes for midfoot pain?

    For midfoot pain, consider the "gap lacing" or "pressure relief lacing" method.

    Start with normal criss-cross lacing at the toe area. When you reach the part of the shoe corresponding to the painful midfoot area, skip criss-crossing and instead insert the lace directly up to the next eyelet on the same side, creating a gap over the painful area. Resume normal lacing above this section.

    This technique relieves pressure on the midfoot by avoiding direct lace tension on the sensitive area, providing pain relief and increased comfort.

Experience unmatched fit and comfort with KURU footwear tailored to your lifestyle.
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How To Make Your KURU Shoes Work For You

Find the Perfect Fit With KURU

Consider KURU shoes when searching for walking shoes to accommodate a wide forefoot. Since KURU shoes are created around a foot-shaped last, the forefoot of a KURU shoe is naturally wider.

On top of extra wiggle room for your toes, the patented KURUSOLE technology in each pair of KURU shoes gives you incredible arch support and a deep heel cup that flexes with every step to hug the contours of your feet for comfort that is unmatched.

Experience a better fit for more comfort so you can do more and exercise longer. Get better health and happiness in a new pair of KURU shoes for your activity of choice.

Shop KURU wide shoes today!

About Us

At KURU, we're on a mission to help you Heel Better™ with footwear technology (including the best shoes for plantar fasciitis) designed to relieve foot pain, so you can live a life you love. Since launching our innovative technology in 2008, we’ve received more than 35,000 five-star reviews from thousands of customers who tell us their KURU shoes helped them get back to doing what they love.

For all media inquiries, please contact us at pr@kurufootwear.com.

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