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Hi there 👋

Welcome to KURU. How can we help you?

Shipping & Protection Policies

Shipping Policy

At KURU, we’re on a mission to help you Heel Better™ by pioneering pain-relieving footwear that puts your heels first.

—And we believe online shopping should be simple and hassle free.

That's why we offer free ground Shipping on most U.S. and Canadian orders (excluding US Territories).

Domestic & International Shipping Costs

Shipping Type & Cost

US and Canadian Heel Better™ Rewards Members $0

US and Canadian Non Heel Better™ Rewards Members $7.99

Shipping to US Territories $2

All Other International Customers $29

Delivery Times

Standard Domestic Shipping | Free for US and Canadian Heel Better™ Rewards Members

We keep it free and simple. Most standard orders ship within 3 business days of order date (excluding weekends and holidays). We use FedEx, USPS Priority, or regional carriers for quick and reliable delivery. Most standard ground shipments arrive within 8 days from order. Weekend delivery is not available (excludes US territories).

International Shipping | $29 to All Other Countries

At KURU, we’re on a mission to heel the world, so we’re delighted to offer international shipping!

International orders ship via USPS or FedEx Mail Innovations. International shipments typically take 7–10 business days to arrive. Any additional duties, taxes, fees, or VAT due on international orders are the sole responsibility of the recipient.

There are some countries we are unable to ship to. If your country appears in the drop-down list when entering your shipping address, we can ship to you!

Due to international customs and duties, we are unable to offer free exchanges on any international orders. Any and all return or exchange shipping fees are the recipient's responsibility. Customs fees and duties are not refundable.

Want to Earn Rewards with Each Order?

It takes seconds. Simply sign up for a quick, free account at kurufootwear.com/account/login. No hidden fees, no credit card sign up—simply earn rewards. 

Login to your KURU Heel Better™ Rewards account before checkout to ensure free returns and exchanges on every order. You’re one step closer to Pain Relief Beyond Belief!


KURU Premium Shipping Protection Policy

Every KURU order represents a customer taking steps to better health from the ground up. That excites us and makes it important to us that your order gets to you in the best possible condition.

However, sometimes unforeseen incidents happen during shipping and delivery—and we want you to be protected.

That’s why we offer KURU Premium Shipping Protection (KPSP), so you can add a layer of safety to your delivery. Claims for all damaged, lost, stolen, and return-to-sender packages must be reported within 10 business days from when the tracking info states “delivered” or from the last time the tracking was updated.

KPSP can be added to your cart during checkout. If you remove KPSP from your order, we cannot guarantee compensation for lost, stolen, damaged, or return-to-sender packages.

How to Submit a KPSP Claim

Step 1: See below for what is covered under the KPSP policy.
Step 2: Please wait 3 business days after the tracking info said “delivered” to file a claim in case of a shipping error or delay.

Step 3: Email gurus@kurufootwear.com or call (877) 211-5878 to submit your KPSP claim within 10 business days of the date of delivery. If emailing, please use a subject line that clearly states your claim type (ex: LOST PACKAGE CLAIM, RETURN TO SENDER CLAIM, DAMAGED PACKAGE CLAIM, or STOLEN PACKAGE CLAIM). Include your name, order number, and details of your missing package in the message.

What is Covered Under KURU Premium Shipping Protection

Note: Claims for all damaged, lost, stolen, or return to sender packages must be reported within 10 business days from when the shipping tracking number states “delivered” or from the last time the tracking was updated.

Please note, this policy is subject to change at KURU’s sole discretion. Please visit this page regularly for the latest version.

Lost Packages

If your package was marked as delivered, but missing, please first take the following steps:

  1. Check all sides of your home and mailbox and check in with neighbors to confirm the package is not hiding.
  2. Please wait 3 business days before taking action. On rare occasions, it can take 3 business days from when the tracking info says “delivered” before the package arrives.
  3. If you are still unable to locate your package, please email gurus@kurufootwear.com or call (877) 211-5878 to submit your KPSP claim.
  4. If emailing, please use the subject “LOST PACKAGE CLAIM” and include your name, order number, and details of your missing package in the message.

Lost Package Policy: If you listed the correct address for the package during the checkout process and it was misdelivered, our shipping protection policy will cover a replacement order to be sent to you or a full refund (depending on product availability and KURU discretion).

Return-to-Sender Packages

If the delivery service is unable to deliver a package due to unexpected delivery errors, your package may be returned to KURU. If this is the case, your tracking information will state that the package is on its way back to the sender. 

Please take the following steps:

  1. Email gurus@kurufootwear.com or call (877) 211-5878 to submit your KPSP claim.
  2. If emailing, please use the subject line “RETURN TO SENDER PACKAGE CLAIM” and include your name, order number, correct shipping address, and details of your missing package in the message.

Return-to-Sender Policy: When we receive the package, we will send it back to you at no extra cost.

Damaged Packages

If your package appears to be damaged during transit (e.g. Ripped open, packaging tape on the outside), please take the following steps:

  1. Email gurus@kurufootwear.com or call (877) 211-5878 to submit your KPSP claim.
  2. If emailing, please use the subject line “DAMAGED PACKAGE CLAIM” and include your name, order number, correct shipping address, and photos of the damaged packaging and of the damaged products inside the packaging.

Damaged Package Policy: After you’ve completed the above steps, KPSP will replace any and all damaged item(s) depending on availability, or issue a store credit or refund. If the damage is limited to the packaging and/or shipping box, and not to the product/items/goods inside the package, then your order is not eligible for a claim. KPSP only covers damage to the actual product/items inside the packaging.

Stolen Packages

If you have reason to believe your package was stolen, please take the following steps:

  1. Email gurus@kurufootwear.com or call (877) 211-5878 to submit your KPSP claim.
  2. If emailing, please use the subject line “STOLEN PACKAGE CLAIM” and include the following information:
  3.  Your name, order number, correct shipping address, and reason you believe it was stolen.
  4. For orders more than $200, a police report must be filed. We ask that you include your case number from the department in your email request.

Unprotected Risks

KURU reserves the sole discretion to determine whether a consumer violates the terms and conditions or otherwise poses an unacceptable risk of loss. In those cases, KURU may designate that order as an unprotected risk. Following proper notification of such designation, KURU may rescind KPSP from the order, and you will be refunded the price paid for premium shipping protection.

Order is Stuck in Customs

As listed in the checkout process, KPSP does not cover international duties or fees or orders stuck in customs. You will need to pay your country’s duties and fees to receive the package.

Other Terms

KURU reserves the sole discretion to determine if a claim qualifies under this plan.